Thursday, February 25, 2010

"More, worse, forever"

After having watched Lawrence Lessig's speech (see below for link), I'm left feeling a bit on edge. Mr. Lessig speaks of the many issues and concerns that the internet has brought up on society.

One of these he speaks about is the idea of "More, Worse, Forever." By this, he means that the internet allows us, as a society, to provide and source more information and data than ever before. A first blush, I'm happy with this thought.

But Mr. Lessig goes on to say that much of this information - or comments on this information and so forth - is worse. The anonymity and huge reach of the internet can often bring out the worst in people. People can freely speak as terribly as they feel when given the cloak of the internet.

Perhaps potentially worst of all, every bit of this data is forever. All of these comments, posts, articles, etc. are kept in some form on the internet for all foreseeable time. Good in some cases, yes. But when individuals can find these tidbits and take them out of context for their personal use...bad.

Thus, I'm left on edge. To some extent, I really don't even feel like writing this blog tonight. Maybe even considering taking down other blogs I have. But I really must go on with my life. I'm going to take solace in the overwhelming good of humankind. I feel (with fingers crossed), nothing but good can come from the use and timelessness of the internet.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, the video leaves you unsure whether the Internet is great or scary. I think I'm a little more negative than you, because all I can think about is how easily people can get themselves in trouble by not considering that anything they put on the Internet will live forever!
